Mexterminator: inverse antropology of a post mexican performer

Mexterminator: inverse antropology of a post mexican performer

Introduction and selection: Josefina Alcázar

CONACULTA / INBA-CITRU / Fideicomiso para la cultura en México-USA / OCÉANO
México, 2002
187 p.

An anthology of critical and scenic texts by the Chicano “performer” Guillermo Gómez Peña, gathered and presented by Josefina Alcázar. From anthropology to science fiction; from journals to epical-political fantasy, these performative texts, in Spanish for the first time, are a testimony, says the researcher, of the process of deterritorialization and acculturation - as much as resistance and transgression - which millions of Mexicans suffer “on the other side” (USA), where they are an ethnic minority. The essays, chronicles, poems, and performance scripts are illustrated with photos and different iconographic material.