Ricardo Velazko: Humor y video

Ricardo Velazko: Humor and video

Research and compilation: Josefina Alcázar

CD (Performance in Mexico series)
CONACULTA / INBA-CITRU / Birkbeck, University of London
México, 2014

Ricardo Velazko, a young admirer of Alejandro Jorodowsy, is a self-taught artist that has involved himself in diverse expressions, such as performance, video art, painting, short fiction and documentaries. He is an acclaimed representative of the playful strand of performance, where he stood out in his recognized series Velazko vs. Velazko, in which he illuminates the sense of humor. His affinity to and use of video has permitted some of his performances to be previously transferred to this format.

This CD contains the register of his performance work (details and photographs, posters and other printouts), as seen in a section (“All about Ricardo”), which includes an artistic semblance, interviews, writings and critical reviews and references to the rest of his artistic work. This compact disc includes a version in English.