Patricia Ruíz Rivera
Responsible of the Documentary Fund “Escenografía Mexicana en el siglo XX” [“Twentieth Century Mexican Scenography”]
Researcher and documentalist.
Master’s degree in Research on Dance by the Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de la Danza José Limón (INBAL) [The José Limón National Dance Research, Documentation and Information Center].
Intern of the Master’s in History of Mexico (National Autonomous University of Mexico); she has also studied some courses of the Master’s in Museography at the Centro de Arte Mexicano (CAM) [Mexican Art Center].
Bachelor’s degree in Acting by ENAT [National College of Dramatic Art], of the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature.
Professional Librarian by the Escuela Nacional de Biblioteconomía y Archivonomía (ENBA/SEP) [National College of Library and Archival Sciences, of the Federal Secretary of Public Education].
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From 2000 to 2010 she worked as the Coordinator of the Documentation Area at the Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de la Danza José Limón (CENIDI) del INBA [The José Limón National Dance Research, Documentation and Information Center of the National Institute of Fine Arts].
She has worked as assistant director and actress with some theatre directors as Adam Guevara, Eduardo López Rojas, Ignacio Sotelo, among others.
She is a co-author of the compilation Visual Anthology of Theater in Mexico [Visual Anthology of Theatre in Mexico] (INBA / CITRU, 2004); she also compiled the Catálogo del Fondo documental Felipe Segura. Colección de bocetos de vestuario y escenografía de ballet Concierto de México [Catalog of the Documentary Fund Felipe Segura. A Collection of Costume and Staging Sketches of the Ballet Concierto de México] (INBA / CENIDI-Dance, 2004). She also coordinated the edition of the CD-ROM La escenificación del folklor. Catálogo fotográfico. Danza mexicana (1921-2003) [Staging of Folklore. Photographic Catalog. Mexican Dance (1921-2003], published by the National Institute of Fine Arts and CENIDI in 2004.
She has participated as a speaker in various forums, as are: the XXV° Congress of the International Society of Libraries and Museums of Performing Arts (SIBMAS for its acronym in Spanish) at Barcelona, Spain; the History Congress “Abriendo historias” [“Opening Stories”] (UNAM); the Academic Meeting in 2007 "Researching to document or documenting to investigate" (CITRU/INBAL).
She has been the Chief Coordinator of the following exhibitions: “From the Pre-Hispanic Codices to Postmodernism. Iconography of Mexican dance”, “Y al son que me toquen… bailo. Raíces de la danza mexicana” [“Whatever pace they play… I dance it. Roots of Mexican dance”, “José Limón: the Body as an Orchestra”, “Paradigm Shifts of Mexican Theater. Centuries XX and XXI”. In this last exhibition, she participated in the curatorship, the compilation of materials and the assembly.
In 2004 she was Chief Coordinator of the Academic Meeting “Investigar para documentar o documentar para investigar” [“Researching to document or documenting to investigate”], which derived in the publication of a CD-ROM with the memory of that meeting, edited by the INBA / CENIDI and CENART [National Arts Center] in 2006.