Abstracts de Teatro: Resúmenes y Bibliografía Especializada (Vol. 1)

Theater abstracts: abstracts and specialised bibliography (vol. 1)

Imelda Reyes Lobato, Leslie Zelaya Alger

INBA-CITRU / Escenología
México, 2000
660 p.

It is a reference work that offers information about specialized studies on theatrical subjects. The first part is made up of 1,000 references, with abstracts in indicative dossiers that describe the contents and make reference to some institutions with collections open to the public. There are six sections to the book: Reference Works (dictionaries, bibliographies, yearbooks, encyclopedias, catalogs, etc.); History of Theater (general, regional, country history); Theory and Method on Theater; Interdisciplinary Studies; Studies on Different Kinds of Performances (pantomime, puppet theater, dance-theater, performances, etc.); and Studies on Authors, Trends and Groups. The second part gives several indexes — author, title, subject— of the selected studies in order to smooth the way one accesses specific or diverse information due to multiple entries