The theater experimentation center at INBA and its stage proposals
Jovita Millán Carranza
México, 2014
330 p.
The Theater Experimentation Center at INBA was founded in 1965 with the objective of developing new concepts in the stage arts. It worked in three different stages until 1990.
Under the direction of Dagoberto Guillaumín (1965-1968), Luis Torner (1977-1984) and Luis de Tavira (1985-1990), the project changed substantially in concept and results, but it always held the intention of having a theater policy directed towards the taking of artistic risks —always in tune with the experimentation— and which trod new paths through the century for the mainstream trends in theater.
This book logs the work of CET well within this experimental tradition in Mexican theater during the 20th century, generally supported by the cultural institutions of the Mexican State, and it minutely reviews the production of the center during its three stages of evolution. The end result is a thorough follow-up of the notions of what is experimental theater, “the theory, practice and methodology” characterizing it and the way in which these elements achieved an impact in the development of Mexican theater in the last third of the century.