Dramaturgas contemporáneas mexicanas

Contemporary mexican female dramatists

Compilation, texts and translation: Silvia Peláez

Photography: Christa Cowrie

Design and Programming: Omar Moscoso

CD (Creators and Personalities Collection, in Digital Library 1)

An attempt the professional biography of 40 contemporary Mexican female dramatists, each one offered in a curriculum file; a relation of published plays, performed and awarded; and a dramatic text, selected by the same writers. It is possible to access de information by clicking on the photos or on the names of the dramatists, presented in alphabetical order: Zarla Abreu, María Elena Aura, Leonor Azcárate, Virginia Bauche, Sabina Berman, Vivian Blumenthal, Carmen Boullosa, Olivia Cairo, Pilar Campesino, Lourdes Canale, Maribel Carrasco, Bárbara Colio, Mireya Cueto, Ximena Escalante, Carmen de la Fuente, Ángela Galindo, Elena Guiochíns, Luisa Josefina Hernández, Virginia Hernández, Berta Hiriart, Estela Leñero, Concepción León, María Luisa Medina, Sylvia Mejía, María Morett, María Muro, Verónica Musalém, Carmina Narro, Edna Ochoa, Silvia Peláez, Marcela del Río, Claudia Ríos, Susana Robles, Norma Román Calvo, Gilda Salinas, Alejandra Trigueros, Teresa Valenzuela, Maruxa Vilalta, Gabriela Ynclán and Denisse Zúñiga.