Vida y milagros de las carpas: la carpa en México 1930-1950

Life and miracles of the tents: The tents in Mexico 1930-1950

Socorro Merlín

Presentation: Rodolfo Obregón

Prologue: Alberto Híjar

Design and Programming: Omar Moscoso


Fifteen years after its original publication as a book (see the “Books” section in this catalog of publications), the digital edition of Life and Miracles of the Tents: The Tent in Mexico 1930-1950, are enriched with the incorporation of two galleries consisting of images of documents of the source that sustains the investigation; the first, with a collection of posters and audience programs of diverse stage locations and companies of the period; the second, with photographic images that take into account the tent theater and its antecedents, such as other theaters and popular distractions intimately related with the genre. The presentation of each book chapter – “Introduction”, “Life and Miracle of the Tent, “Spectacular Context and Aesthetic of the Tent”, “Where the Tent Comes From”, “Conclusions”, “Testimonies” and “Bibliography” are accompanied by a selection of audio documents: songs, music and recordings of sketches.